The Pearce Creek placement site, owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers, received dredged material from the C&D Canal’s approach channels at various times between 1937 and 1993. The Corps plans to reactivate the site for the placement of dredged material from the federal navigation channel. However, in 2013 the US Geological Survey found that a missing or thin layer of clay beneath the site contributed to the entry of degraded water into the underlying aquifers. Migration of this groundwater, which moves very slowly, has gradually impacted water quality in some residential wells.
Hallaton Environmental Linings was contracted by the US Army Corps of Engineers to do the installation of a geosynthetic liner covering the entire Pearce Creek dredged material placement site. When the Pearce Creek site is reactivated, substantial safeguards will be in place to protect and monitor surface water and groundwater quality. The geosynthetic liner will prevent any further impacts from dredged materials by preventing it from entering the groundwater system.
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